Welcome to Washington School PTO Membership Toolkit


Now that you have a Membership Toolkit account, provide your Family Information:

 Enter Family Contacts 

  1. On Sales and Registration Forms page, click Family Information link under Adult and Student Information.
  2. On the Adult Information page, enter your contact details for both parents/guardians and click Next Step.
  3. On the Student Information page, click Add Student.
  4. Enter your child's information. These will be assigned at the end of summer.  Important:  Set Washington School Grad Year equal to the year your student graduates Washington School.  Please note: Select "TBD" for your child's class teacher and Pack. Click Save.
  5. For each additional child that you have at the Washington School, click I have another student and enter the child's information.
  6. Click Save.
  7. The Directory & Publish Preferences page is displayed.
  8. Select what information you want to be made available to other WS PTO members in the online directory. Only verified WS families with paid WS PTO membership have access to the online directory.
  9. Select consent, as appropriate, for your child(ren) for publishing student information and images.
  10. Click Save.

   After you have provided your contact information, purchase WS PTO Membership:

Join Washington School PTO

  1. On the Sales and Registration Forms page, select WS PTO Membership for the current year.
  2. On the WS PTO Membership page, select WS PTO Membership, agree to the WS PTO Membership Terms and consider an optional donation to the PTO.
  3. Consider donating to the Millburn Education Foundation by selecting the appropriate level.
  4. Click Add to Cart.
  5. Either click Proceed to Cart or register for other programs.
  6. On clicking Proceed to Cart, the Checkout page is displayed. Click Pay Now.
  7. On the Payment Page, enter your payment details and click Continue.
  8. Click Place Order.

   Membership to the Washington School PTO begins as soon as you join and continues through June 30.




If you have any questions or concerns, email us at: communications@washingtonschoolpto.com


Step 1: Login if you already have Membership Toolkit account in another school.

If you don't have MT Account Create Account 

Step 2: Enter Family Contacts

Step 3: Join WS PTO