Washington School Code of Conduct

  We will provide students with proactive ways to socialize,  as well as appropriate ways to handle conflicts.  Students are taught to use “I Messages” and “TAG” (Tell someone what they are doing to bother you.  Ask them to stop.  Go tell someone if they do not.) 

  We ask all students to follow our Code of Conduct as follows

1. Respect people and property. 

2. Keep hands, feet, & objects to yourself.  

3. Use appropriate language.  

4. Be courteous; speak kindly.  


  Washington School belongs to all of us. All students have the right to learn and feel safe. We must take good care of each other and our building and grounds to maintain a pleasant and safe learning environment for all of us.

   The expectation for behavior at Washington School:

   Be kind, and safe, and show respect to other people and property inside and outside the building at all times.  Kindness, Safety, and Respect will be discussed and reviewed within the classrooms and within the school all year long. Please continue these conversations at home.

The following steps will be taken when expectations are not met:

  1. The teacher or administrator confers with the student. 
  2. Parents will be informed through phone calls, conferences, or written notes when expectations are repeatedly not met or if the severity of a single incident requires immediate parental involvement/notification. 
  3. Different privileges may be revoked when appropriate. This may include loss of recess or other school activities. 
  4. An after-school detention period may be appropriate in some cases. The individual teacher or the principal will supervise this detention period. 
  5. In-school or out-of-school suspension may be assigned by the building principal in instances where behavior is severely inappropriate. Parents will be immediately notified by the principal of any suspension. 

   We have a building safety team that will investigate and report on all incidents in regard to Harassment,  Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB).  Mrs. Emmanouilidis is our Building Specialist and can be contacted with any issues related to HIB. 

   We encourage all students to stay off social media. We want to teach them appropriate digital citizenship skills.  We will be working closely this school year with our DARE team of Millburn Police Officers.  Our message is for our students to be internet and technology responsible, utilizing all forms of media in an appropriate manner.  Our fifth-graders will learn to be proactive and develop habits to help them navigate situations involving social media.  Thank you for your support!  

Cell Phone Usage:  Washington School will not be responsible for the loss or damage of any student cell phone.  Students must turn them off and keep them away during the school day.  After school, students may use their devices to communicate with a parent or guardian only.  Students may not use their cell phones while traveling on the school bus.  Please know that we discourage picture-taking and videotaping on school grounds.

School Related Information

  Parent orientation recording, presentation as well as the Day in the Life of a 5th grader are available for you to have a look as well.


  If you have any questions or concerns, email us at: communications@washingtonschoolpto.com